Featured Blog: Redesigning Your Dream Life, What’s It Going To Cost You?

Written by Brittney Castro

About the author: Brittney Castro, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ is the Founder and CEO of Financially Wise Women, a Los Angeles-based financial planning firm for women. She specializes in working with busy professional and entrepreneurial women who are passionate about life and want to gain clarity around their money. Brittney’s mission is to help women plan and create the life of their dreams, free from anxiety about money. She is known for her non-judgmental, compassionate approach to financial planning. She has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Financial Planning Magazine, Investment News, and Registered Rep Magazine. Away from the office, you can find Brittney working out, drinking green juice, reading, playing at the park with her dog Arya and of course dancing. Visit her at FinanciallyWiseWomen and request a FREE 30-minute Discovery Session to discuss how financial planning can help you use your money to live a life you love. Financially Wise Women is a registered investment adviser offering advisory services in the State of California and in other jurisdictions where exempted.

January 10, 2014

The following blog is by Brittney Castro originally published in Brittney Castro’s Blog – Financially Wise Women.


Hope you’re having a stellar week so far. Can you believe we’re only a few weeks away from a new year? Time flies when you’re having fun!

Today, though, I have a serious question for you: How much money do you need to live your dream life?

This is a great follow-up to last week’s video, where I talked about creating your dream life and the financial goals to support it.

You see, a lot of people say they want to make more money, but they never get clear about how much more they need–and what they’ll actually do with all that extra money once they have it. How can you reach a goal if you don’t even know what the goal is?

One of the biggest reasons I see for this lack of clarity is that people feel like they shouldn’t desire more money–that somehow wanting more money is a bad thing. (Trust me, I still battle with these same limiting beliefs myself from time to time.) But the truth is, you deserve as much money as you want. Now, that doesn’t always mean a million dollars. Sometimes just having another $5,000 per year is all you need. But unless you take the time to get clear about how much money you actually need every year to live your dream life, you will never truly know–and that makes it super difficult to plan and actually achieve your goals.

In this week’s Financially Wise video, I discuss the power of creating a dream budget and share how this exercise will not only help you define how much money you need every year to live your dream life, but also serve as a catalyst for you to make this dream a reality.

If you’re ready to finally start living your dream life, you must watch this video, then leave a comment about what you think. This is a very powerful exercise, and if done with honesty and integrity, it can be the first step into a whole new financial–and life–trajectory.

About the author: Brittney Castro, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ is the Founder and CEO of Financially Wise Women, a Los Angeles based financial planning firm for women. She specializes in working with busy professional and entrepreneurial women who are passionate about life and want to gain clarity around their money. Brittney’s mission is to help women plan and create the life of their dreams, free from anxiety about money. She is known for her non-judgmental, compassionate approach to financial planning. She has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Financial Planning Magazine, Investment News, and Registered Rep Magazine. Away from the office, you can find Brittney working out, drinking green juice, reading, playing at the park with her dog Arya and of course dancing. Visit her at http://www.financiallywisewomen.com and request a FREE 30-minute Discovery Session to discuss how financial planning can help you use your money to live a life you love. Financially Wise Women is a registered investment adviser offering advisory services in the State of California and in other jurisdictions where exempted.

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